
Lath and Plaster Systems Manual

The 2001 Lath and Plaster Systems Manual and CD-ROM replaces the previous manual (1982), and our initial product and systems manual of the 1970’s. The information contained herein is the most currently recognized and approved specifications, and trade data available. As publishers, we wish to gratefully acknowledge reproductive rights of those documents which appear here either in part, or in whole. The Manual and CD-ROM are published as a joint effort of both the Texas Bureau of Lath and Plaster (TBLP) and the South Central Wall, Ceiling & Plaster Association (formerly, the Texas Lathing and Plastering Contractors Association (TLPCA).

Click here to download the following in pdf format

Introduction This resource is designed as a guide and reference for architects, specifiers, contractors, and others in the building industry dealing with respect to interior and exterior wall and ceiling systems. More specifically, those systems which involve the use of lath, plaster, sprayed on fireproofing, and exterior wall systems. The format of the CD provides graphics and technical information that will serve to benefit the design and architectural professional who needs to establish a better understanding of the composition and application of:

  • Cement Plaster Stucco
  • Metal Lath & Accessories
  • One Coat Stucco
  • Sprayed On Fireproofing
  • Veneer Plaster
  • Gypsum Plaster
  • Exterior Finish Systems

The CD is the equivalent to over 250 pages of written material, drawings, references, standards, details, specifications and other things that are all for general information only.

