Texas Lathing & Plastering Contractors Association
TLPCA Membership & Community

2022 is TLPCA’s 70th Anniversary Year
Since 1952, the Texas Lathing and Plastering Contractors Association (TLPCA) has provided an essential resource for the promotion of quality methods and practices in the lathing and plastering trades and the walls and ceiling industry. For seventy years, our organization has helped to establish workmanship standards for the entire wall & ceiling industry all across the state of Texas, including industries such as drywall, stucco, veneer stone, fireproofing, and beyond. Our Association and Board have helped promote and advance the industry to ensure the type of quality work and durable design the public requires and deserves.
The Texas Bureau for Lathing and Plastering (TBLP) is a promotional and educational organization for the industry-funded by the TLPCA to serve the construction industry. The Bureau has established design and specifications standards for the industry in Texas.
Drywall, plaster, stucco, E.I.F.S., acoustical, veneer stone, and fireproofing are all a part of the walls and ceilings industry. The TLPCA is an organization for the promotion of quality methods and practices in these trades. Since 1952 the Association members have established the workmanship standards for the industry in Texas.
Together with the Association and its affiliate organization, the Bureau, are dedicated to seeing that architects, general contractors, builders, and the public receive reliable, thorough specifications and quality work on all phases of the walls and ceilings industry in Texas. The Association and the Bureau work together to ensure consistent, quality work is completed throughout the industry and across Texas.
TLPCA Membership Benefits
Attend an Event
Please mark your calendars and save the dates for our annual Clay Shoot and Fishing Tournament.
- Clay Shoot: Thursday, August 18th at Elm Fork (Dallas)
- Fishing Tournament: Friday & Saturday, September 23rd & 24th at Tanglewood (Lake Texoma)